How Dior Ballard treated high triglycerides?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high triglycerides. 

My triglyceride levels were recently found to be at 223, and my name is Dior Ballard. It was an epiphany that gave me a fresh understanding of my health. Let me share with you my personal experience of learning, adjusting, and having my family's steadfast support as I was able to successfully drop my triglyceride levels and recover control over my health.

Everything started when I became aware of certain unsettling alterations in my body. Despite leading a generally healthy lifestyle, I noticed that I was putting on weight, being tired more frequently, and having strong cravings for sweets. I felt it was time to call my doctor after becoming concerned about these symptoms.

My doctor performed several tests on me during the visit, including a lipid profile that showed increased triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and other health issues, according to my doctor. This epiphany gave me the motivation I needed to start making major changes in my life.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I concentrated on changing my diet since I was determined to get my triglyceride levels back to a healthy range. I cut out processed and sugary items from my diet in favour of whole, wholesome foods. My consumption of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and good fats like avocado and olive oil has increased. I started to realise how important portion management was, and I cut back on my intake of refined carbohydrates.

The importance of regular exercise in my daily routine increased. I adopted a well-rounded fitness routine that included flexibility, weight training, and cardiovascular exercises. I made it a point to take regular walks, appreciating the advantages of exercise and re-establishing a connection with nature.

My symptoms affected my daily life, and I had to be disciplined and alert to manage them. I learned that stress significantly contributed to the worsening of my symptoms, so I concentrated on stress management approaches. I made time for hobbies that made me happy and relaxed, including reading, painting, and spending quality time with my loved ones. I also practised deep breathing techniques and meditation.

Contact a doctor

Speaking of loved ones, my family's support was essential to my quest for improved health. They continuously encouraged and supported me. We collectively decided as a family to start eating more healthfully. Together, we participated in physical activity and ate nourishing meals, making our attempt to maintain good health a team effort. They helped me realise that I wasn't going through this alone and that I had a network of loved ones rooting for me along the way.

Additionally, my family was extremely important in holding me responsible. They gently prompted me to continue working towards my dietary and exercise objectives. Together, we experimented with new recipes, found healthier versions of our go-to meals, and celebrated incremental success. Their participation helped to establish a supportive and inspiring environment that enabled me to maintain my commitment and focus.

As time went on, I started to see the benefits of my lifestyle adjustments. I had more energy, and I was gradually losing weight. My triglyceride levels were dramatically dropped to a healthier range following a follow-up appointment with my doctor. A healthy diet, consistent exercise, stress reduction techniques, and the help of my family produced amazing results.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I still give my health the highest priority today and keep up a healthy lifestyle. I've learned a lot through this experience about the value of taking care of oneself, making wise decisions, and the strength of a solid support system. I am thankful for the experience because it has enhanced my family's relationships and improved my physical health.

If there is one thing I have learned from my own experience, it is how important it is to seek professional advice, alter one's lifestyle, and rely on family and friends for support. My high triglyceride levels served as a wake-up call, motivating me to prioritise my health and encouraging people around me to do the same.

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