How Kinslee Chan treated high wbc?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high wbc. 

My name is Kinslee Chan, and I'd want to talk about how I dealt with having high white blood cell (WBC) numbers in my own life. Finding elevated WBC levels contributed to my fear and concern because I already struggle with anxiety as a result of my hard career. It all started when the doctor informed me that my WBC count was measured at 13.1, which was higher than the range for normal. Despite my overwhelming reaction to this realisation, I was adamant about identifying the root cause and developing strategies for controlling my excessive WBC counts.

Knowing that I had a high WBC count added to my anxiousness, which was already a problem. It was a great burden, and I couldn't help but worry about what it would mean for the rest of my health. But I understood that fretting wouldn't solve the problem on its own. In order to solve the situation and recover control over my health, I needed to be proactive and seek medical counsel.

I scheduled an appointment with my doctor, who did a thorough check and requested more testing to find out why my WBC levels were so high. I was unable to avoid the apprehensive thoughts that occupied my head throughout this process. I reassured myself, nevertheless, that I was making the required efforts to address the problem and enhance my health.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

My increased WBC count was shown to be likely caused by prolonged stress and worry once the test results were received. This insight drove home the serious effects stress can have on our physical health. Although it was a worrying scenario, my doctor told me that it could be controlled by making lifestyle adjustments and using stress-reduction tactics.

Armed with this knowledge, I took initiative to control my excessive WBC levels. I went to counselling mostly to deal with my anxiety and find healthy coping strategies. I was able to investigate the underlying causes of my stress in therapy and discover coping mechanisms. In order to recover control over my physical and mental health, this was a crucial step.

I prioritised self-care and stress reduction in my everyday routine in addition to therapy. I included mindfulness techniques like writing, deep breathing, and meditation. These activities relieved some of the worry that had been dragging me down and allowed me to unwind and clear my mind.

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I also looked at my lifestyle and made the required changes. I improved work-life balance after realising that my rigorous work schedule and ongoing stress were to blame for my high WBC levels. I established limits, set aside time for enjoyable and relaxing pursuits, and gave exercise first priority. Exercise not only helped me feel less stressed, but it also had a great effect on my general health.

To strengthen my immune system and general wellbeing, I also changed my diet. I concentrated on including more fruits, veggies, and whole foods in my meals to make sure I was getting the nutrients I needed for a strong immune system. The importance of staying hydrated and obtaining enough sleep in supporting my body's natural healing processes led me to include these practises into my daily routine.

I saw a rise in my WBC levels over time with regular work and an emphasis on self-care. They eventually fell off, showing that my body had accepted the lifestyle changes I had made properly. This development was evidence of the effectiveness of taking charge of my health and skillfully coping with stress and worry.

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I discovered the value of patience and self-compassion during this trip. Setbacks were common, and it wasn't always simple. But I didn't want my high WBC levels to define who I was or how happy I was. I asked for help from my family and the medical community, who at trying times gave me support and advice.

Remind yourself that you are not alone if you find yourself in a similar circumstance. To further understand your situation and create a customised plan to control your high WBC counts, speak with a healthcare practitioner. Investigate stress reduction strategies that are effective for you, and don't be afraid to ask friends, family, or mental health specialists for assistance. We can build a caring community where information and experiences are shared for the good of all.

Let's promote open dialogue about our health issues, telling our tales to comfort and help others having comparable difficulties. We can travel the path to better health and wellbeing by working together.

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