How Mya McClain treated high chol hdl ratio?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high chol hdl ratio. 

Mya McClain here, and as a newlywed, I've just started a happy new chapter in my life. I was filled with anticipation and visions of a bright future with my spouse when I learned some unexpected news that rocked my world. I learned that my cholesterol HDL ratio, which was measured at 6, was shockingly high during a normal medical examination. Given my young age and active lifestyle, this diagnosis caught me off guard. It inspired me to start a journey of self-discovery and health empowerment.

The news hit me especially hard because it not only threatened my future family's safety but also my own as a newlywed. I felt a huge sense of urgency to take care of this issue and make sure I would be in the best condition for myself and our future children because I wanted to have a family soon.

I researched the causes of my high cholesterol HDL ratio and talked to medical experts for their advise after receiving the diagnosis to better grasp the problem. I discovered that although genetics can have an impact, lifestyle choices like nutrition, exercise, and stress management can have a big impact.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I concentrated on dietary adjustments in the first place. I thoroughly examined my eating patterns and deliberately tried to eat less food that was high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Lean proteins, nutritious grains, and fresh produce were my top priorities, while processed and fried meals were kept to a minimum. My routine became heavily centred around cooking at home because it gave me more control over the ingredients and serving amounts.

I also included heart-healthy fats like avocados, almonds, and olive oil in my diet. I was motivated to increase my cholesterol HDL ratio and overall health, so I made these modifications despite the discipline and commitment they took.

Another crucial component of my journey was changing to an active lifestyle. I devised a regular exercise schedule that combined flexibility, weight training, and cardiovascular exercises. I was able to stay committed and motivated because I found activities I enjoyed, including jogging, swimming, and yoga.

Contact a doctor

My spouse's steadfast support was essential in helping me on my path to greater health. We made healthier decisions together and supported one another along the way. Together, we attended workout sessions and co-created wholesome meals as accountability partners. The process became more doable and inspiring with their help and understanding.

Another topic I covered was how to deal with stress. I understood that stress might affect my physical and mental health, including my cholesterol levels. I used relaxation methods including meditation, deep breathing exercises, and engaging in enjoyable activities in my regular routine to reduce stress. Making self-care a priority became crucial to my path.

Regular check-ups and discussions with my doctor let me track my development and modify my treatment strategy as necessary. They gave me advice, responded to my inquiries, and gave me confidence that I was headed in the correct direction. These appointments also gave me the chance to interact with people going through comparable struggles and broaden my understanding of heart-healthy behaviours.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Even though the road had its share of difficulties, I eventually noticed improvements in my cholesterol HDL ratio. My levels began to rise as a result of my dedication to a healthy lifestyle, putting me closer to the ideal range. These advancements served as proof of the potency of deliberate decisions and taking charge of my health.

I was recently married, and the experience of learning that I had a high cholesterol to HDL ratio made me realise how important it is to prioritise my health and make thoughtful decisions for both myself and my future family. The journey taught me tenacity, willpower, and the importance of a solid support network.

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