How Patrick Harvey treated low mcv?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with low mcv. 

Patrick Harvey here. I recently learned that my mean corpuscular volume (MCV) value was 66.3, which is considered to be poor. I was filled with a lot of doubts and uncertainties after hearing this news. I started a journey of self-care and resilience because I was determined to comprehend my condition and raise my MCV value.

My blood test results, which showed a low MCV number, were relayed with me by my doctor during a normal check-up. I was informed that this might be a sign of anaemia, a condition in which the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to deliver enough oxygen to the tissues.

Naturally, hearing this news worried me, and I set out to learn more about the reasons behind my low MCV number and possible solutions. I did additional testing at my doctor's advice to discover the type of anaemia I had and any other potential causes.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

My low MCV value was ultimately shown to be predominantly the result of iron deficient anaemia after extensive testing. This indicated that my body was deficient in iron, a critical mineral required for the creation of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen within red blood cells. With this information in hand, I experienced a sense of hope since I realised I could confront this problem head-on.

In order to raise my MCV value and raise my iron levels, my doctor gave me a detailed treatment plan. Making dietary adjustments to incorporate foods high in iron was the first step. Lean meats, leafy greens, legumes, and fortified cereals became a regular part of my diet. I also discovered that iron is better absorbed when vitamin C is consumed with iron-rich foods, so I made sure to include citrus fruits and bell peppers in my diet.

To ensure I reached my daily iron requirements, my doctor recommended an iron supplement in addition to dietary changes. I took the supplement as directed, taking it with foods high in vitamin C or a glass of orange juice to increase absorption.

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My doctor also emphasised the value of continuing to live a healthy lifestyle in general. Regular physical activity, enough sleep, and stress reduction became essential components of my daily regimen. I soon came to understand how important these elements were in maintaining healthy blood cell development and overall wellbeing.

I got blood testing and frequent follow-up visits to track my development. I gradually saw increases in my MCV value. Seeing the improvements in my health as a result of my efforts and watching the statistics rise was tremendously inspiring.

My MCV value gradually grew from 66.3 to 72.1 and then to a healthy range of 80.2 over time. It was a remarkable shift that gave me a sense of fulfilment and rekindled my vigour.

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After thinking back on my experience, I realised that it wasn't only about increasing my MCV value. It was about taking charge of my health and actively choosing to take care of my body. I learned from this experience how important resilience is and how effective preventative healthcare is.

I still place a high priority on my health today. I practise frequent exercise, eat a balanced diet full of iron and other necessary nutrients, and efficiently handle stress. My life now includes routine check-ups and blood tests, which help me spot any potential problems early on.

My experience serves as a reminder that with willpower and the right support, we are capable of overcoming health obstacles. My low MCV number sparked a positive transformation even though it was at first alarming. I improved my MCV value while also improving my general health and well-being with a combination of dietary changes, iron supplements, and a holistic approach to wellbeing.

It's crucial to keep in mind that our bodies are remarkably resilient, and with the proper care, we can get beyond any challenge in the way of living a healthier and happier life.

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