How Eliseo Giles treated high bun creatinine ratio?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high bun creatinine ratio. 

I'd like to talk about my experience dealing with high levels of the bun creatinine ratio personally. It all started when I decided to switch jobs, and as part of the pre-employment formalities, I had to go through a thorough blood examination. I had no idea that this regular test would identify a health problem that would have a big impact on my life. Let me share with you my experience with having high levels of the bun creatinine ratio and the steps I did to get them back to normal.

I was getting ready to start a new career when I realised how important it was to take care of my health. A thorough blood test was a requirement, not just for the job but also for my general health. My bun creatinine ratio was raised at 35, which was unexpected news when the test results were returned.

I was extremely upset when I learned about the high bun creatinine ratio. It placed a pall over my excitement for the new job, causing feelings of concern and apprehension. My mind began to rush with questions, and I couldn't help but consider the potential effects of this high ratio. I contacted my doctor right away to learn the importance of the findings and what actions I should take to handle the situation.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The bun creatinine ratio is a measurement of renal function, and a high ratio could point to underlying medical conditions, according to my doctor. Additional tests, such as a urine analysis and a thorough assessment of kidney function, were advised to acquire more information and identify the underlying problem.

I decided to educate myself about the various causes and treatment of high levels of the bun creatinine ratio as I awaited the test results. I learned that the rise could be caused by things like dehydration, particular drugs, kidney infections, or chronic kidney disease. I was motivated to take charge of my health after learning this information and return my bun creatinine ratio to normal ranges.

I immediately prioritised increasing my fluid intake to combat any potential dehydration. I made sure to drink water throughout the day by keeping a water bottle on me at all times. I also cut back on my alcohol and caffeine intake because they can both cause dehydration and strain the kidneys.

Contact a doctor

My high bun creatinine ratio was shown to be primarily caused by mild dehydration, according to the additional test results. I was happy that it wasn't a more serious issue, but I also knew that I needed to move quickly to get my kidney function and general health back.

I created a thorough treatment plan with the guidance of my healthcare practitioner that included boosting my fluid intake, modifying my food, and adding regular exercise to my schedule. I set up routine follow-up appointments to keep track of my development and make sure I was headed in the correct direction for recovery.

I made a conscious effort to stay hydrated by drinking water continuously throughout the day and setting reminders to make sure I did so. I also concentrated on including meals with a lot of water, like fruits and vegetables, in my diet. This supported renal function and helped me replenish my body's fluids.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Making dietary changes was a key step in my quest to get my bun creatinine ratio back to normal. I placed a high priority on eating a balanced diet that contained healthy grains, lean meats, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. I cut back on processed meals, salt, and added sugars because these can stress the kidneys and cause health problems.

My daily schedule become absolutely necessary for regular workout. I exercised by jogging, swimming, and lifting weights, all of which are good for the heart and general wellness. Exercise not only helped me keep a healthy weight, but it also decreased stress and enhanced my mental health.

I learned the value of emotional support and the strength of sharing experiences along my journey. I connected with people dealing with comparable health issues through support groups and online networks, where I sought comfort and direction. Hearing their tales, exchanging counsel, and providing assistance turned out to be priceless inspiration and motivational tools.

I urge everyone who is experiencing comparable health issues to share their stories. We foster a friendly environment where people may learn from one another and take comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone by sharing our stories. Together, we can encourage and support one another as we pursue our individual health goals.

My bun creatinine ratio significantly lowered as a result of faithfully following my treatment plan, routine monitoring, and the constant support of my loved ones. This improvement was evidence of the benefit of the lifestyle adjustments I made and the significance of preventative healthcare.

I continue to put my health first now by practising good habits and keeping in touch with my healthcare provider. I am aware that controlling high levels of bun creatinine ratio requires continual effort, but I am committed to living a happy and healthy life.

I've learnt from my experience how important it is to take charge of your health and actively participate in your wellbeing. I urge everyone to pay attention to their bodies, have frequent checks, and get expert advice when necessary. Your health is a priceless gift, and by putting it first, you can create a future that is happier and healthier.

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