How Makenna Turner treated high bun creatinine ratio?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high bun creatinine ratio. 

Makenna Turner here. I found out I had a high bun creatinine ratio while on a much-needed vacation, which explained the symptoms I had been having. Let me walk you through my process of coping with this issue and managing it.

I intended to get away from the stresses of everyday life and relax as I started a well-deserved holiday. My preparations, however, were unexpectedly derailed when I awoke exhausted, with a throbbing headache and heightened thirst.

I chose to visit a nearby clinic to seek medical guidance because I was worried about these symptoms. To determine the underlying problem, the doctor advised conducting a thorough blood test. As I awaited the findings, anxiety and anticipation filled my head. I hoped for clarity without jeopardising my trip.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The doctor contacted a few days later to discuss the findings. As he mentioned that my bun creatinine ratio was found to be 21, which was more above the normal range, my heart began to race. I had a mix of perplexity, worry, and frustration. How could this occur at a time when rest and leisure were intended?

An increased bun creatinine ratio, according to the doctor, could be a sign of a number of ailments, such as dehydration, kidney disease, or the side effects of some drugs. Additional examinations, such as a urine analysis and a kidney function test, were advised to pinpoint the precise cause. Despite the disruption to my trip, I realised how critical it was to resolve this problem right now.

Uncertainty hung over me during the testing, making it difficult for me to fully enjoy the rest of my trip. I was filled with fear and anxiety about possible outcomes. But I came to the realisation that I had to take charge of my health and concentrate on taking preventative action.

Contact a doctor

The doctor confirmed that my increased bun creatinine ratio was mostly caused by mild dehydration once the test results were available. He emphasised the importance of maintaining proper hydration, particularly in hot weather and while engaging in strenuous exercise. I was happy that it wasn't worse, but I also realised how critical it was to address the dehydration and how it might affect the health of my kidneys.

Managing my high bun creatinine ratio became my major focus as of that point. I made a conscious effort to drink more water, making sure to do so continuously throughout the day. I kept a water bottle on me as a constant reminder to drink water, even when I was having fun on vacation.

Along with staying hydrated, I concentrated on improving my diet. I chose kidney-friendly foods like whole grains, fresh produce, lean meats, and fruits and vegetables. I also cut back on processed foods and items heavy in salt. These dietary changes not only helped my renal health but also improved my general wellbeing.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I looked into stress-relieving hobbies that helped me deal with the worry about my health in addition to making lifestyle modifications. I found that practising yoga, meditation, and light exercise helped to calm me down and lifted my mood.

I continued to be committed to controlling my elevated bun creatinine ratio for the remainder of my trip. As I started to make thoughtful decisions that complemented my dedication to my health, self-care grew in importance. Even though the trip didn't go as I had first anticipated, it served as a reminder to put my health first and adopt preventative healthcare measures.

I carried on trying to control my high bun creatinine ratio once I got home. I asked my primary care physician to check on my kidney health on a regular basis. I was able to develop a unique meal plan that further maintained the health of my kidneys with the assistance of a trained dietician.

My bun creatinine ratio gradually dropped over time with persistent effort and tweaks, showing improving renal function. My initial anxiety following my diagnosis also subsided, and it was eventually replaced by a feeling of strength and resiliency.

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