How Fisher Dalton treated high hba1c?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hba1c. 

Fisher Dalton here, and I'd like to talk about my experience dealing with high HbA1c numbers on a personal basis. Discovering my raised HbA1c results further increased my worries as a dedicated worker who is constantly struggling with work-related anxiety. However, I was able to take back control of my health and lower my HbA1c levels because to my resolve and proactive attitude.

My employment required long hours and a lot of stress as a young professional. Deadlines, strict standards, and a hurried atmosphere became the norm. The continual pressure led to worry, which made it difficult to keep a healthy work-life balance. I had no idea that another major worry, namely my health, would soon add to my anxiety.

My doctor unexpectedly informed me that my HbA1c levels were 6.6, which indicates increased blood sugar levels, during a routine check-up. It made me feel more anxious than I already was since it was like a shock wave crashing over me. Concerns about how this might affect my future, my job, and my general well-being flooded my head.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The discovery of elevated HbA1c values acted as a wake-up call and compelled me to act right away. I couldn't let my health suffer even more from stress and anxiety. It was time to face the difficulty head-on and regain composure.

My first step in managing my high HbA1c readings was to get educated. I buried myself in research, talked to doctors, and asked diabetes support organisations for advice. I was able to make wise judgements regarding my health since I knew what the problem was, what its causes were, and what complications it would entail.

I started reassessing my work-life balance and giving self-care top priority by adopting a holistic approach. I used stress-reduction strategies like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and scheduled breaks during the workday after realising how important it was to keep up with my mental and emotional health for efficient diabetes control. I was able to find some peace within the turmoil and lessen the negative effects of work-related stress on my blood sugar levels thanks to these practises.

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My HbA1c levels were well managed by dietary adjustments. I created a healthy, balanced meal plan that prioritised natural foods and sensible portion sizes. I cut back on my consumption of refined carbohydrates, processed sugars, and saturated fats. I changed my diet instead, adding more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Making meal preparation and planning a priority allowed me to have nutritious options on hand even during busy workdays.

My daily schedule started to become non-negotiable in terms of exercise. I made the decision to include exercise in my life despite the rigours of my employment. I looked at different hobbies I had, such jogging, cycling, and yoga. Exercise not only helped me control my blood sugar levels, but it also gave me a way to let tension out and enhanced my general wellbeing. I found that engaging in regular physical activity reduced the worry that frequently accompanied my work and improved my mood and mental clarity.

Open communication with my healthcare practitioner and routine checkups became essential components of my journey. I planned follow-up sessions to discuss my progress and make any required changes to my treatment plan while carefully monitoring my blood sugar levels. My healthcare team's collaboration with me helped me develop a more thorough awareness of my unique demands and adjust my treatment tactics accordingly.

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Family and friends' support was crucial to my journey. I told my family and close friends about my issues so they could offer support, compassion, and accountability. Their unflinching support strengthened my will to achieve by serving as a constant reminder that I was not travelling alone.

Keeping my high HbA1c levels under control proved to be an ongoing task with both setbacks and successes. On some days, I experienced crushing overwhelm, but on other days, I felt like I had made progress. I stayed unwavering in my dedication to my health, concentrating on making long-term lifestyle adjustments that would promote my general wellbeing.

My efforts eventually started to pay off in a positive way. My HbA1c values gradually fell with regular testing, a sign of better blood sugar management. It demonstrated the strength of tenacity, willpower, and a pro-active strategy for taking care of my health.

I still give self-care, stress reduction, and good lifestyle choices a high priority now. I've come to realise that my stress and anxiety are not what make me who I am or what happens to my health. I have discovered a sense of empowerment and control over my well-being by adopting a proactive approach and getting the help I require.

My experience with having high HbA1c values has changed me. It has helped me to understand the value of maintaining a sense of balance while dealing with the difficulties of life. I've learnt how to deal with worry and work demands even if they may still exist by being resilient and keeping my well-being in mind.

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