How Jedidiah Erickson treated high platelet count?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high platelet count. 

My name is Jedidiah Erickson, and I'd want to provide a firsthand account of how I dealt with having high platelet counts. Everything started when I made the decision to shift jobs and went through a thorough blood examination as required by the hiring process. I had no idea that this normal test would start me on a path to self-awareness, endurance, and health management.

I planned a complete medical examination, which included a comprehensive blood test, before beginning my new employment because I am proactive about my health. I was expecting the findings to be normal because I had never had any serious health problems previously.

But I was surprised when the doctor called to let me know the results. My platelet count, which was 490, turned out to be high. This unexpected information made me uneasy and confused. The finding was made all the more perplexing by the fact that I had never detected any symptoms or warning signs of a potential issue.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I had a lot of emotion when I learned I had high platelet levels. I was concerned about what it meant for my general health and how it would have an impact on my day-to-day activities. My head was overflowing with worries and questions, but I knew I had to be proactive and seek advice from medical experts.

I made an appointment with a haematologist right away to learn more about my issue and to discuss the procedures that would be required to restore my platelet levels to normal. The haematologist stated that thrombocytosis, also known as increased platelet counts, can be brought on by a number of things, such as inflammation, infection, or underlying disorders. In my instance, additional diagnostic procedures were required to identify the root problem.

I had a number of tests and doctor consultations over the ensuing weeks to determine the underlying cause of my elevated platelet levels. As I waited for answers and a clear course of action, I experienced a period of apprehension and confusion. I took it upon myself to do extensive study during this time, educating myself on thrombocytosis and potential management techniques.

Contact a doctor

My high platelet count was attributed to a chronic inflammatory disease after extensive assessments. Knowing the underlying cause helped me manage my disease and lower my platelet counts, which was a source of some comfort.

I developed a thorough plan with the help of my medical team to handle my increased platelet counts. To combat the underlying inflammation and control platelet production, they recommended anti-inflammatory drugs.

I underwent considerable lifestyle adjustments in addition to medical treatment to help me on my path to restoring normal platelet counts. I concentrated on changing to a better diet by consuming fewer processed foods, refined sugars, and saturated fats while increasing my intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Regular exercise helped me manage inflammation and increase general wellbeing, so it became a crucial part of my routine.

anti inflammatory diet plan

The ability to control my stress was also crucial to my path. I placed a high value on self-care practises like mindfulness, meditation, and partaking in enjoyable hobbies. I wanted to reduce the effect of inflammation on my platelet counts by skillfully managing stress and to keep a good outlook during the procedure.

During this trying time, the support of my loved ones was crucial. They remained by my side, providing support, compassion, and a listening ear anytime I needed to voice my worries or anxieties. My motivation and attention were kept on my health-related objectives by their unfailing support.

I came to understand the value of sharing personal experiences during my journey. I want to inspire people to share their experiences with high platelet levels by being upfront about mine. By telling our stories, we build a caring community where individuals may share knowledge, discover new perspectives, and find solace in the knowledge that they are not alone.

I urge anyone dealing with health issues, such as high platelet levels, to get in touch, share their experiences, and look for help. Sharing stories can raise awareness, build empathy, and give invaluable information to others who may be going through similar difficulties, whether it be through support groups, online forums, or interactions with healthcare professionals.

I should add that my experience with high platelet levels was revolutionary. I learned the value of proactive health management, how to be resilient in the face of uncertainty, and the effectiveness of lifestyle changes. I am thankful for the strides I have made in returning my platelet levels to normal today, and I continue to put my health first. Keep in mind that by sharing our experiences, we may help others on their own health journeys by providing them with understanding, support, and hope.

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