How Keilani Thornton treated high platelet count?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high platelet count. 

My name is Keilani Thornton, and I want to tell you a personal story of how I dealt with having high platelet counts. All of this began when I started to experience some strange symptoms, which set me out on a path towards diagnosis, therapy, and finally, managing my platelet levels.

I noticed there was a problem when my nose began to bleed frequently. I initially didn't give it much thought and blamed it on usual factors like allergies or dry air. But as time went on, the nosebleeds got worse and lasted longer. Concerned by this strange situation, I made the decision to consult a doctor for some guidance.

My doctor ordered many blood tests, including a complete blood count (CBC), during my visit. My platelet count, which was measured at 500, was greater than usual, according to the data. My platelet count was higher than the average range, which is between 150,000 and 450,000 per microliter of blood.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I was shocked and surprised by this diagnosis. The thought of getting a medical ailment as a young, healthy person was frightening. The doctor said that thrombocytosis, also known as increased platelet counts, can be brought on by a number of things, including inflammation, infections, and even some conditions affecting the bone marrow. To identify the underlying reason, more testing were required.

I had additional medical testing during the coming weeks, including a bone marrow biopsy and genetic tests. These examinations tried to eliminate any underlying conditions that might be causing my high platelet count. It was a difficult moment since I had to deal with the mystery of my condition's cause. I went through a variety of emotions, including dread and annoyance. I remained committed to learning the truth and regaining control over my health, though.

A thorough analysis revealed that my body's persistent inflammation was the primary cause of my thrombocytosis. I had been inadvertently coping with an autoimmune illness, which was connected to this persistent inflammation. I felt some relief in knowing the cause because I could now concentrate on controlling the inflammation and subsequently lowering my platelet count.

Contact a doctor

I created a treatment strategy with the help of my medical team that included a mix of prescription drugs and dietary adjustments. I was given anti-inflammatory drugs to assist lessen the underlying inflammation and control the generation of platelets. I also changed my diet to include more anti-inflammatory foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids.

My daily schedule become absolutely necessary for regular workout. Physical activity not only reduced stress but also enhanced general wellbeing. I made it a point to fit in new things, like yoga and hiking, that I had discovered to appreciate. Exercise turned into my release, helping me to concentrate on my health and maintain equilibrium despite the difficulties.

My journey also involved substantial use of stress management. I made a conscious effort to incorporate relaxation methods into my everyday practise because stress can make inflammation worse. This included engaging in activities that made me happy and peaceful, practising mindfulness, and doing deep breathing exercises. I may lessen the effects of stress on my platelet counts and general health by regulating it.

anti inflammatory diet plan

The constant support of my family has been crucial to me during this journey. They remained by my side, offering moral support and a receptive ear whenever I needed to voice my worries or fears. They were there constantly, reminding me that I was not fighting this struggle alone and that, working together, we could conquer the obstacles.

My platelet count gradually dropped thanks to persistence, patience, medical care, lifestyle modifications, and the love and support of my family and friends. My platelet counts were gradually reverting to a healthier range, and routine blood tests revealed a continuous reduction, demonstrating that the inflammation had been successfully managed.

Despite the challenges and adaptations that came with maintaining high platelet levels, I learned a lot about self-care, perseverance, and the value of speaking up for my own health. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and control any potential flare-ups of inflammation, I now routinely check my platelet levels.

I was able to take control of my health and understand the need of a balanced and thoughtful approach to health thanks to my experience with high platelet counts. I'm Keilani Thornton, and here is my one-of-a-kind tale, which demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit and the effectiveness of willpower in conquering challenges.

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