How Yasmin Cantu treated high creatinine?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high creatinine. 

I recently got married and started a path of love and companionship with my spouse. My name is Yasmin Cantu. However, life took an unexpected turn long after our nuptials when I learned concerning my health. My doctor told me that my creatinine levels, which were measured at 2.2, were higher than usual during a regular physical. This diagnosis came as a shock to me because I was young and seemed to be in good condition, and it left me wondering what it meant for my life as a newlywed.

Questions flooded my head as a range of emotions were sparked by the news. What led to this? What effect would it have on our future plans? The thrill of beginning a family and creating a life together was overshadowed by fears and concerns. But with my partner's help, we made the decision to take on this task head-on.

I started a journey of self-education and sought advice from medical specialists because I wanted to understand and have control over my health. I discovered that creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism that the kidneys filter. I was very concerned because elevated creatinine levels can signify compromised renal function.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I looked into the reasons and treatment of elevated creatinine levels in conjunction with my medical team. It became clear that altering one's lifestyle and taking preventative steps were essential for enhancing kidney function and general health. I took on the challenge at hand with tenacity and my partner's unflinching support.

Changing my diet became a top concern in my effort to control elevated creatinine levels. I worked closely with a nutritionist to create a kidney-friendly diet, lowering my protein, salt, and phosphorus intake while increasing my intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. It was a journey, and my husband supported me, encouraged me, and joined me as I experimented with new dishes and healthier eating practises.

I made a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day because staying hydrated was essential. This promoted healthy renal function and toxin removal. My girlfriend helped me by actively reminding me to drink water and by always having water on hand.

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My creatinine levels were significantly controlled by exercise as well. I started a consistent workout programme that was adapted to my needs, and it not only helped me keep a healthy weight but also improved my general wellbeing. My spouse joined me on walks, bike rides, and enjoyable training sessions at home and eventually became my exercise partner.

During this journey, emotional support was crucial, and my partner continuously loved and encouraged me. They accompanied me to doctor's appointments, interacted with me during them, and actively helped me comprehend the illness and how to treat it. Knowing I wasn't fighting this battle alone gave me more motivation.

Living with high creatinine levels offered difficulties, such as sporadic physical discomfort and exhaustion. I discovered how to prioritise self-care, pay attention to my body, and make sure I had enough rest and relaxation to lessen the impact of symptoms on my general wellbeing.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Communication with my medical team on a constant basis and routine check-ups were essential. These consultations gave me the chance to check my creatinine levels, talk about my worries, and modify our strategy as necessary. We were continually trying to maintain kidney function and handle any potential issues thanks to open and honest communication.

The unexpected and initially overwhelming diagnosis of high creatinine levels taught me how to be resilient, adaptable, and how powerful a love relationship is. We were able to overcome this obstacle because to my partner's continuous support and our combined dedication to taking care of my health.

We look forward to each day with hope, savouring the pleasures of marriage while actively taking care of my medical needs. As we face the future together, love, understanding, and a proactive attitude have emerged as our pillars. Our relationship has become stronger as a result of our experience with high creatinine levels, and we are now prepared to face any challenges that may arise.

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