How Ayan Acosta treated low hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with low hemoglobin. 

My name is Ayan Acosta, and I would want to relate my personal experience of receiving a haemoglobin level diagnosis and how I was able to successfully raise it to a healthy range.

When I started to have particularly strong and tired feelings, I knew something was wrong. Previously uncomplicated simple tasks became tiresome. My complexion lost its healthy radiance, and I frequently felt faint and unsteady. I chose to seek medical guidance because I was worried about my deteriorating health.

My doctor made the following diagnosis after a thorough examination and blood tests: low haemoglobin levels. Red blood cells contain the essential protein haemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout our bodies. My haemoglobin level was only 10 g/dL, which is well below the typical range of 12 to 15 g/dL for women.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

According to my doctor, low haemoglobin can cause anaemia, which is characterised by a deficiency in the quantity of healthy red blood cells needed to transport oxygen. He emphasised the necessity of taking swift action to resolve this matter in order to avoid further issues.

I had mixed feelings as I left the doctor's officeI was worried about my health, but I was also determined to do something about it. I set out on a trip to increase my haemoglobin levels and revitalise myself.

Finding the root reasons of my low haemoglobin was the first step. My doctor warned me that a number of reasons, including iron deficiency, chronic illnesses, nutritional inadequacies, and even blood loss, can cause this condition. In my situation, it turned out to be a combination of elements, chiefly an inadequate intake of iron and a poor diet.

Contact a doctor

My doctor advised iron pills to replace my body's iron levels in order to treat my iron deficit. He also advised me to include foods high in iron in my diet. I began eating items recognised for their high iron content, such as leafy green vegetables, lean meats, beans, and fortified cereals.

I made careful to incorporate citrus fruits, tomatoes, and bell peppers in my meals because I was aware that vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron. I also discovered that tea and coffee shouldn't be consumed with foods high in iron because they can prevent iron absorption.

I made a conscious effort to live a healthier lifestyle overall while also making dietary improvements. Since physical activity helps to stimulate red blood cell production and improve circulation, regular exercise became a part of my regimen. I worked on building up my stamina and endurance by doing exercises like brisk walking, jogging, and yoga.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I learned about the possibility of natural therapies in addition to dietary adjustments and exercise. Some herbs and spices that are known to raise haemoglobin levels were added into my regular regimen. For instance, nettle leaf tea was extremely effective in raising my haemoglobin levels. I also ate folic acid and vitamin B12-rich meals including lentils, spinach, and eggs.

The help I received from my family and friends was essential during my trip. They recognised the importance of my objective and gave me the inspiration I required to maintain concentration. They participated in my food planning and even went on outings with me, which made the whole process more pleasurable.

I noticed several improvements over time. My energy levels rose, and the ongoing fatigue started to wane. My complexion returned to its youthful radiance, and I felt more focused and awake. My improvement was confirmed during a follow-up appointment with my doctor; my blood haemoglobin level had increased to 12 g/dL, which is within the usual range for women.

Despite the fact that my haemoglobin levels have increased, I still lead a healthy lifestyle. I recognise that it's a commitment that lasts a lifetime and that self-care is crucial for general wellbeing. I place a high value on a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and enough sleep. In order to keep track of my haemoglobin levels and general health, I also make sure to have regular checkups.

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