How Blaze Raymond treated low hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with low hemoglobin. 

My name is Blaze Raymond : It all started when I made the decision to change jobs and was compelled to go through a thorough blood examination as part of the hiring procedure. I had no idea that this test would reveal a health issue that would have a significant influence on my life. I was able to increase my haemoglobin levels and regain my vigour by being persistent and determined. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire others to do the same, fostering a community where advice and help may be given freely for the good of all.

I had to undergo a thorough medical exam, which included a blood test, before starting my new employment. I went into this procedure with enthusiasm and hope, eager to seize the chances that were ahead of me. The test results, however, showed that my haemoglobin level was 12.5 grammes per deciliter (g/dL), which was below the range that is considered to be normal. It surprised me, and a feeling of worry swept over me.

The news affected me a great deal. I had been feeling tired and drained all the time, but I put it down to the pressure and expectations of the job search. I became aware that there might be an underlying health problem when I learned about my low haemoglobin levels. It served as a wake-up call to put my wellbeing first and take preventative action to deal with the issue.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I made an immediate appointment with my doctor to go through the findings and learn more about the possible reasons for my low haemoglobin levels. My doctor discussed the significance of haemoglobin in distributing oxygen throughout the body and how these factors impact energy levels and general health throughout the visit. Together, we looked into a number of potential causes for my low levels, such as dietary issues and conceivable underlying medical disorders.

My efforts to raise my haemoglobin levels shifted to dietary changes as a main priority. I discovered how critical it is to eat foods high in iron, vitamin B12, and folate because these are all essential for producing haemoglobin. Lean meats, chicken, fish, legumes, spinach, and fortified cereals are some examples of foods high in iron that I started including in my meals. I increased my consumption of vitamin B12 by eating fortified plant-based substitutes, dairy products, and eggs. To help my body's nutritional requirements, I also included foods high in folate including leafy greens, citrus fruits, and legumes.

Along with dietary adjustments, I made an effort to lead an ideal lifestyle. My daily schedule became completely dependent on regular exercise. Exercises like jogging, cycling, and swimming increased my heart rate and improved blood circulation, which not only improved my general well-being but also had a big impact on my haemoglobin levels.

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Self-care and stress management techniques became crucial to me on my trip. I understood that stress could interfere with nutrition uptake and affect haemoglobin production. I used stress-relieving exercises like yoga, meditation, and time spent in nature to combat this. These techniques promoted general wellbeing by restoring equilibrium, lowering anxiety, and lowering stress.

In order to track my development and make any required modifications to my treatment plan, regular follow-up sessions with my doctor were essential. These meetings gave us the chance to assess the success of my lifestyle modifications, monitor my haemoglobin levels, and respond to any worries or queries I had along the road.

I noticed improvements in my overall vigour and energy levels over time. I was rewarded for my steadfast dedication to raising my haemoglobin levels with a resurgence of energy and wellbeing. My haemoglobin level was back in a healthy range when I had a blood test, which gave me a tremendous sense of relief and success.

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