How Iris Crawford treated high rdw?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high rdw. 

My name is Iris Crawford, and I had elevated RDW levels. It all started when I noticed that I had a general lack of energy and was constantly tired even after obtaining enough sleep. Concerned for my health, I made the decision to consult a doctor to identify the underlying source of my symptoms.

Red Cell Distribution Width, or RDW, or measures the variance in size of red blood cells, was measured during my doctor's appointment and the results showed elevated levels of 5.2. Despite not being extremely high, the elevation was nevertheless outside of the normal range, which caused alarm and generated doubts about my health.

I was surprised by this diagnosis, which made me uncertain about what it would imply for my general wellbeing. I always thought I was pretty healthy, so this news came as a bit of a shock.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

My doctor advised additional research and expert discussions to better understand the consequences and probable reasons of my abnormal RDW levels. To identify the underlying causes of my disease, I started a journey of medical exams, tests, and consultations.

I felt uncertain throughout this procedure as I awaited the results and looked for solutions. I remained committed to actively managing my health and implementing the required changes to enhance my wellbeing, though.

My increased RDW levels were shown to be predominantly caused by a slight vitamin B12 deficiency following a complete examination and haematologist consultation. The changes in the size of red blood cells may be due to this deficit, which can cause anaemia and influence the generation of red blood cells.

Contact a doctor

With this information in hand, I worked with my medical team to create a thorough treatment plan. Addressing the underlying nutrient shortage was the first step. I changed my eating habits to incorporate more vitamin B12-rich foods such lean meats, fish, dairy products, and fortified cereals. I also started taking vitamin B12 tablets that my doctor had advised.

Along with dietary adjustments, I understood the need of self-care and general wellbeing. I made it a habit to exercise regularly, choosing activities that I enjoyed and that gave me more energy. Sleeping became a top priority, and I created a regular sleep regimen to make sure I got enough rest.

My loved ones provided me with unshakable support during this trip. Their support and compassion were vital in helping me stay motivated and upbeat. They offered a sympathetic ear and emotional support at times of uncertainty or annoyance.

anti inflammatory diet plan

We were able to keep track of the development of my RDW levels thanks to routine follow-up visits with my medical team. With persistence and the adoption of lifestyle modifications, my RDW levels gradually decreased to a healthier range over time. This improvement not only allayed my concerns, but it also provided proof that the lifestyle modifications I had made were benefiting my health.

Despite the difficulties on the way, I remained dedicated to take control of my health. I understood that my health should come first and that I could successfully manage and treat my disease by making wise decisions and leading a healthy lifestyle.

I still place a high priority on my health and wellbeing. I continue to have recurring check-ups with my medical staff to keep an eye on my RDW levels and general health. I've learned the value of leading a balanced lifestyle, feeding my body the correct foods, exercising regularly, and caring for my mental and emotional health.

High RDW levels were a wake-up call for me, teaching me the value of taking care of myself and being proactive with my health. It showed me the importance of paying attention to my body, standing up for my health, and making decisions that promote a happy and healthy life.

This journey has changed me for the better, giving me the ability to take responsibility for my health and adopt a more balanced lifestyle. I now have a stronger appreciation for the value of early intervention and the influence that even seemingly unimportant imbalances can have on general health.

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