How Abby Rose treated high hematocrit?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hematocrit. 

I recently turned 45 and go by the name of Abby Rose. I made the decision to have a thorough blood test this year as a part of my annual physical. I had no idea that this seemingly straightforward choice would lead to a medical issue that would put my physical and emotional strength to the test.

My hematocrit level was increased, my doctor told me after reviewing the test findings. A high number for the hematocrit test, which calculates the percentage of red blood cells in the blood, may be a sign of polycythemia. My test result showed a hematocrit level of 66.5, which was much higher than the range considered normal.

I was initially shocked by the information. This diagnosis surprised me because I had always thought of myself as healthy and active. My doctor indicated that high hematocrit levels could raise the risk of stroke and blood clot-related cardiovascular problems. It might also affect how effectively the blood transports oxygen.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I set out on a quest to learn the causes and remedies for high hematocrit levels because I was determined to take charge of my health. I devised a strategy to meet this problem head-on through considerable research, meetings with experts, and the unflinching support of my loved ones.

I started off by drastically altering my way of life. I started eating a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins as part of a heart-healthy diet. I cut back on processed foods, saturated fats, and too much salt in my diet. The importance of staying hydrated increased since doing so helps keep the blood from getting overly sticky. I deliberately avoided drinking too much caffeine and avoided sugary drinks throughout the day.

My high hematocrit levels needed constant management, which regular exercise provided. I designed a well-rounded exercise programme that includes both strength training exercises and cardio routines like jogging, cycling, and swimming. Regular exercise helped me control my blood circulation while also enhancing my cardiovascular health.

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My doctor suggested therapeutic phlebotomy to further lower my hematocrit levels. In order to reduce my body's overall blood volume and, as a result, the hematocrit value, a precise amount of blood had to be removed. I had repeated phlebotomies over a period of months, assuring a steady decline in my hematocrit levels.

I learned the importance of emotional wellness in treating any medical issue during this difficult journey. I joined groups made up of others going through similar struggles in an effort to find comfort and support. These support groups provide a secure setting for exchanging stories, worries, frustrations, and victories. I felt less alone and more motivated to persevere because I was a part of a group of people who were also dealing with high hematocrit levels.

My efforts eventually started to pay off in a positive way. My hematocrit levels were gradually dropping, as revealed by routine blood tests. My problem was successfully managed by a healthy lifestyle that included a balanced diet, frequent exercise, and therapeutic phlebotomies. It became crucial for me to take charge of my health and stick to my treatment regimen.

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High hematocrit levels required continual management. I kept constantly checking my blood and modifying my treatment strategy as needed. By staying in constant contact with my medical team, I was able to obtain the greatest care and stay up to date on new developments in treatment alternatives.

As I consider my path, I am thankful for the worthwhile lessons discovered. I now value my health more than ever and hope to motivate others who might be going through the same problems. Even though the journey was not always smooth, it helped me to understand the value of resiliency and flexibility in the face of difficulty. Today, I can declare with pride that my high hematocrit levels do not define who I am; rather, my unrelenting commitment to overcoming them does.

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