How Ace McLaughlin treated high hematocrit?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hematocrit. 

My name is Ace McLaughlin, and a few months ago I received the unexpected news that I had high hematocrit levels. My hematocrit level was 55.2% during a routine checkup, which is significantly higher than the range for women. This was troubling news, which my doctor explained to me. This indicated that my blood was thicker than it ought to be, which increased my risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Naturally, I was shocked by this prognosis and concerned about its ramifications. My doctor reassured me, though, that we could address this issue and come up with a strategy to get my levels back to normal.

Finding the root cause of my elevated hematocrit was the first step. I was found to be lacking in vitamin B1, generally known as thiamine, according to additional tests. Unexpectedly, it came out that the medications I had been using for a long time had reduced the amount of thiamine in my body.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

With this information in hand, I set out on a quest to raise my thiamine levels and decrease my hematocrit. My doctor suggested particular dietary adjustments and prescribed a thiamine supplement. I made an attempt to include thiamine-rich foods like whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean meats in my meals.

In addition to making dietary changes, I concentrated on boosting my fluid intake in general. My blood's viscosity was significantly reduced and its thinning was much helped by proper hydration. I made it a point to drink more water during the day and carried a water bottle with me everywhere.

My everyday routine included physical activity more and more. Regular exercise not only reduced my hematocrit but also strengthened my heart. I began with easy workouts and built up to harder ones as I got stronger. I developed a preference for cycling, swimming, and running and kept up a regular training regimen.

Contact a doctor

I meticulously followed up with my doctor for routine blood tests to track my development. I eagerly awaited the results each time, hoping to see my hematocrit levels drop. Although the waiting was anxious, it gave me the will to stick with my new lifestyle choices.

I started to observe improvements over the course of several months. As my hematocrit levels began to drop, I felt hopeful and upbeat. It was proof of the strength of willpower and the influence tiny changes can have on our health.

I had the unfailing support of my loved ones the entire way. They supported me, joined me during my workouts, and even assisted me in discovering new thiamine-rich meals. Their support made the procedure a lot easier and more pleasurable.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I'm happy to announce that my hematocrit level has increased back to a healthy level today. I overcame this health issue, but it took time, perseverance, and commitment. This experience has made me realise how important it is to pay attention to my body, be proactive with regard to my health, and make the necessary changes to live a balanced life.

To maintain appropriate hematocrit levels, I continue to place a high priority on nutrition, water, and consistent exercise. This trip has changed the way I view self-care and has helped me to realise how important it is to take care of and maintain our health.

If there is one thing I've learned from this experience, it's that even in the face of hardship, we have the ability to take charge of our health and make wise decisions. We can conquer any challenge that stands in our way if we are determined and with the help of our loved ones.

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