How Cain Ball treated high hematocrit?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hematocrit. 

My name is Cain Ball, and I'd want to talk about my experience dealing with high hematocrit levels on a personal basis. I would routinely have my blood tested once a year to make sure I was maintaining good health. But this year, at my annual physical, I learned concerning news: my hematocrit level was abnormally high at 59%. Let me share with you my experiences and how I dealt with having a high hematocrit.

I made it a point to have a yearly blood test since I placed a high priority on maintaining my health. These examinations gave me comfort and peace of mind. I had no idea that the test this year would provide a fresh obstacle.

I was shocked to learn that my hematocrit value was 59% when I obtained the findings. The increased reading of the hematocrit, which is usually between 38% and 50%, was alarming. I made an appointment with my doctor right away to identify the root causes and deal with the problem.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

A high hematocrit score could be a sign of a number of underlying illnesses, such as dehydration, lung disease, or an excessive generation of red blood cells, my doctor noted during our consultation. To find the precise cause, more testing were necessary.

As I had additional tests over the coming weeks, I was overcome with worry and confusion. To identify the underlying reason for my increased hematocrit levels, I underwent a battery of diagnostics, including kidney and lung function tests. Although the waiting period was difficult, I persisted in my quest to learn the truth.

I finally got the findings after what felt like an age. It was discovered that dehydration and secondary polycythemia were the main causes of my high hematocrit levels. While secondary polycythemia refers to the overproduction of red blood cells as a reaction to specific medical conditions, dehydration can also lead to an increase in the quantity of red blood cells in the blood.

Contact a doctor

With this knowledge in hand, I was prepared to act. My elevated hematocrit levels should be managed with a two-pronged strategy, according to my doctor. First and foremost, dehydration needed to be treated. I vowed to drink lots of water all day long in order to be well hydrated. In addition, because diuretics like caffeine and alcohol can worsen dehydration, I restricted how much of them I drank.

My doctor suggested changing my lifestyle in addition to drinking more water to treat secondary polycythemia. My daily regimen became anchored by consistent exercise. To increase blood circulation and oxygenation, I combined cardiovascular activities, weight training, and relaxation techniques. This aided in preserving ideal hematocrit levels.

My doctor suggested routine follow-up blood tests every three months to keep an eye on my development and hematocrit levels. We were able to monitor any changes and modify my treatment plan as needed thanks to these checkups. Knowing that my health was being closely monitored gave me comfort.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Changing one's diet was also necessary to control excessive hematocrit levels. I concentrated on eating a healthy diet that was full of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. These foods were rich in nutrients and gave the body the vitamins and minerals it needed for healthy blood. I also cut back on my consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol because they can have a bad effect on blood viscosity.

Managing high hematocrit levels was not without its emotional difficulties. Fear and anxiety periodically crept in, but I drew strength from my network of allies. Sharing my worries with loved ones in an open manner helps to lessen the emotional strain. To find some peace despite the uncertainties, I also engaged in mindfulness and meditation practises.

I saw improvements over time with persistent devotion to my treatment plan and lifestyle changes. My hematocrit levels gradually decreased, which was confirmed by subsequent blood tests, giving me relief and a feeling of power.

I learned the value of preventative healthcare through my experience with high hematocrit levels, as well as by being aware of my body's demands. I reclaimed control over my health through hydration, exercise, dietary changes, and regular monitoring. To overcome the obstacles in my path, I found the resilience within myself.

I want to spread the word about the value of yearly physicals and paying attention to our bodies by telling my story. I urge people to adopt essential lifestyle changes and seek medical advice when necessary to retain their best health. Even in the face of high hematocrit levels, we may overcome challenges and lead full lives with perseverance and support.

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