How Felix Chapman treated high hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hemoglobin. 

Felix Chapman - I'd want to talk about my experience learning about and taking care of high haemoglobin levels. I learned some unexpected news during my annual blood test: my haemoglobin level was found to be 18.1 grammes per deciliter.

When I learned that I had high haemoglobin levels, I felt a mixture of interest and worry. I quickly took it upon myself to learn more about haemoglobin and how it affects general health. I discovered that the protein known as haemoglobin is in charge of transporting oxygen in the blood. High haemoglobin levels are essential to our health, but if they are not controlled, they can put stress on the cardiovascular system and cause difficulties.

I consulted with medical experts to have a better knowledge of my circumstance. I learned from my doctor that a number of things, including smoking, living at high elevations, having certain medical problems, and dehydration, can result in high haemoglobin levels. It was essential to comprehend these fundamental issues in order to create a management plan that would work.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

With my newly acquired information, I vowed to adjust my lifestyle in order to lower my high haemoglobin levels. I started to put hydration first. I doubled my daily water consumption to make sure I had plenty to drink throughout the day. I did this in an effort to prevent excessive blood hardening and to encourage normal blood flow.

I made considerable dietary changes in addition to drinking plenty of water. I asked a certified dietician who specialised in controlling high haemoglobin levels for advice. Together, we came up with a balanced diet that included items that are known to naturally control haemoglobin levels. I prioritised whole grains and lean proteins, upped my diet of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, and cut back on processed foods and sugary drinks.

Regular exercise was essential to controlling my elevated haemoglobin levels. Exercises like cycling, swimming, and jogging not only reduced stress but also enhanced blood circulation. Exercise enhanced oxygenation, which helped keep haemoglobin levels at their ideal range and general cardiovascular health.

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In my path, controlling stress and keeping an optimistic outlook were equally crucial. Although having high haemoglobin levels brought another layer of worry to my life, I resisted letting it have a detrimental affect on my mental health. I began incorporating stress-reduction strategies into my daily routine, including mindfulness exercises, deep breathing exercises, and engaging in enjoyable activities like painting and spending time in nature.

Regular monitoring and follow-ups with my doctor were essential for assessing my progress and, if necessary, modifying my treatment plan. I kept getting routine blood tests to monitor my haemoglobin levels and make sure my lifestyle changes were working.

I have the unfailing support of my loved ones throughout this difficult journey. Sharing my story with family and friends not only lightened the load but also gave them a chance to relate and offer support. Their encouragement was crucial in helping me stay motivated and dedicated to my new way of life.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I noticed that my haemoglobin levels were becoming better over time. I was able to lower my elevated haemoglobin levels to a healthy range via effort and drive. The results of routine blood tests confirmed the success of my efforts.

If there is one thing I want to get over to anyone facing comparable difficulties, it is to be proactive about your health. Make the required lifestyle changes, educate yourself about your illness, and seek the advice of healthcare professionals. Accept the help of your family and friends, and have a cheerful outlook. Keep in mind that controlling high haemoglobin levels is a journey, but one in which, with dedication, you may recover control over your health and live a happy life.

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