How Madden Snow treated high hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hemoglobin. 

The following is a personal account of how I was diagnosed with having high haemoglobin levels and how I was able to successfully lower them. My name is Madden Snow. I made the decision to put my health first after making the unexpected discovery. I was able to lower my haemoglobin levels to a healthy range by persevering and following medical advice. By telling my story, I hope to inspire and empower people who are going through similar struggles to take charge of their own health.

My doctor informed me that my haemoglobin level, which was determined at a routine exam, was 18 grammes per deciliter (g/dL), which was over the range. I was shocked by this discovery, and I was motivated to identify the root cause and identify strategies for reducing my haemoglobin levels.

I investigated the possible causes of increased haemoglobin levels in search of explanations. According to my doctor, factors that may contribute to elevated haemoglobin levels include dehydration, smoking, living at high elevations, and particular medical disorders. It was crucial for me to recognise and deal with these issues if I wanted to effectively manage my condition.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I changed a lot of my habits because I wanted to get healthier. The initial phase involved giving up smoking and establishing a healthy lifestyle. In addition to lowering my haemoglobin levels, quitting smoking improved my general health.

On my journey, staying hydrated became a primary priority. I made a conscious effort to drink more water and stay well hydrated all day long. Maintaining proper hydration helps to support blood volume and prevents blood from becoming overly viscous, which lowers the chance of having high haemoglobin levels.

Dietary changes were really important in managing my illness. I concentrated on eating things that are known to encourage haemoglobin levels to drop. This included including foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, and fatty fish (such as salmon and mackerel). These foods' inherently blood-thinning qualities may help to keep haemoglobin levels in a healthy range.

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I also ate things that made me urinate more often, like watermelon, cucumbers, and celery. These foods encourage diuresis, aiding in fluid balance and preventing an excessive concentration of blood cells.

My routine's foundational element became consistent exercise. Jogging, cycling, and swimming are examples of cardiovascular exercises that not only encourage good blood flow and oxygenation but also contribute to overall wellbeing, weight management, and a decreased risk of underlying medical disorders.

It was crucial for me to work closely with my healthcare practitioner to manage my elevated haemoglobin levels. We came up with a strategy that called for routine follow-up meetings to assess the effects of lifestyle adjustments and track my development. My haemoglobin levels were monitored over time with periodic blood tests to make sure they were slowly dropping into a healthier range.

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I started to see improvements in my wellbeing over time. My haemoglobin levels were successfully reduced over time with the help of water, dietary adjustments, consistent exercise, and continued medical direction. It served as evidence of the effectiveness of both lifestyle modifications and medical treatment.

The outcomes were well worth the dedication and commitment it took to control elevated haemoglobin levels. My path taught me the value of being proactive in addressing health issues, collaborating closely with medical providers, and changing my lifestyle in a sustainable way.

I urge you to seek medical assistance and take charge of your health if you or someone you know is dealing with similar issues. Always keep in mind that everyone's journey is different, therefore it's crucial to collaborate with a healthcare professional to create a personalised strategy that meets your particular requirements.

Let's collaborate to build a community where knowledge, inspiration, and empowerment thrive by sharing our experiences and being an inspiration to one another. We can find our way towards better health and wellbeing by working together.

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