How Miles Quintana treated high hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hemoglobin. 

My name is Miles Quintana, and I'd want to tell you about my experience learning about and treating high haemoglobin levels. I made the decision to change jobs at a turning point in my life. I had a thorough blood test performed as part of the pre-employment process, and to my astonishment, the results showed that my haemoglobin level was 17.1. This shock of information caused me to seriously worry about my health. I was aware that I needed to take action right away to get my haemoglobin levels back to normal.

When I became aware of my elevated haemoglobin levels, it affected me physically and psychologically. I felt symptoms in my body including weariness, shortness of breath, and sporadic vertigo. My ability to carry out everyday chores was severely hampered by these symptoms, which also negatively impacted my total productivity. I was emotionally overcome with fear and worry about the possible effects of high haemoglobin levels on my health.

I set out on a proactive path to discover the fundamental reasons of this problem and create a strategy to control my elevated haemoglobin levels. I sought the advice of medical experts, who offered insightful information on the potential causes of increased haemoglobin levels.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

The main contributing element was dehydration. I became aware that I had not been hydrating myself enough, especially throughout the difficult transition between employment. I decided to drink more water and give it more of a priority throughout the day in order to fix this. I always had a water bottle on me as a reminder to be hydrated, and I had set objectives for how much water I needed to drink each day.

Sedentary behaviour was another important factor in elevated haemoglobin levels. I started including physical activity in my everyday routine after realising how important regular exercise is. I began with easy exercises like jogging, cycling, and brisk walking before progressively increasing the duration and intensity as my fitness level rose. Regular exercise helped me regulate my haemoglobin levels and maintain a healthy weight. It also improved blood circulation.

I made significant dietary changes in addition to lifestyle changes. I asked a certified dietician who specialised in controlling high haemoglobin levels for advice. We worked together to create a customised meal plan that focused on items that are known to lower haemoglobin levels. I reduced my diet of processed foods and sugary drinks while increasing my intake of iron-rich foods like leafy greens, legumes, and lean meats.

Contact a doctor

I made routine follow-up meetings with my healthcare physician to keep an eye on my development. I was able to monitor my haemoglobin levels and modify my treatment strategy as needed thanks to these appointments. Throughout my journey, my healthcare team's assistance and direction were extremely important in helping me stay motivated and responsible.

I learned the value of sharing my experience with others throughout this trying time. I came to understand that narrative might significantly affect people going through comparable problems. I wanted to encourage and empower people to share their tales and create a sense of community by being transparent about my journey. We could offer helpful advice and insights to individuals travelling similar journeys if we worked together.

I noticed positive adjustments in my haemoglobin levels over time. My haemoglobin levels eventually returned to a normal range as a result of a combination of lifestyle changes, consistent exercise, and adequate drinking. I felt more energised, better in general, and had a better appreciation for the value of putting my health first.

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