How Jovanni Blackwell treated high hemoglobin?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high hemoglobin. 

My name is Jovanni Blackwell, and I'd want to talk about my experience managing my high haemoglobin levels and anxiety at work. The unanticipated shock of learning that my haemoglobin level was 18.2 added to the anxiety I was already feeling. I did, however, discover strategies to manage my elevated haemoglobin levels and reclaim control over my wellbeing via self-care, support, and lifestyle changes.

I had experienced anxiety before getting my diagnosis. The rigours of my job frequently had an adverse effect on my mental and emotional well-being. Finding out about my elevated haemoglobin levels simply made me more anxious and stressed out about life in general.

I started by educating myself on haemoglobin and how it affects general health. I was able to appreciate the significance of maintaining haemoglobin levels after I realised that it is a protein that carries oxygen in the blood. I discovered that if untreated, elevated haemoglobin levels can stress the cardiovascular system and perhaps cause issues.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I sought professional assistance to deal with my anxiety, which was made worse by my elevated haemoglobin levels. I started seeing a licenced therapist who specialised in anxiety problems and stress reduction. I was able to explore my worries, come up with coping mechanisms, and acquire relaxation techniques in therapy, which helped me control my elevated anxiety levels.

I also put a high priority on taking care of myself. Knowing how important it was to look after my mental and emotional health, I made time for the things that made me happy and allowed me to relax from the stress of work. My self-care routine had to include activities like yoga, meditation, and pursuing interests that let me take time away from work.

When it came to making lifestyle changes, I concentrated on getting regular exercise into my schedule. Exercise not only improved my blood circulation and helped me control my stress. I exercised by jogging, cycling, and brisk walking, all of which improved my cardiovascular health and helped me keep my haemoglobin levels at their best.

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Diet was really important in helping me control my elevated haemoglobin levels. I sought the advice of a licenced dietician, who helped me create a meal plan that was well-balanced. We collectively identified foods that have been shown to naturally control haemoglobin levels. I ate more fruits and vegetables, especially those high in antioxidants, and consumed fewer processed meals and sweetened beverages. My diet changed to include whole grains, lean proteins, and foods with low glycemic index scores.

Another important part of my daily routine was staying well hydrated. I made a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day to keep my blood at the right volume and prevent it from being too thick. I also cut back on my alcohol and caffeine use because both of these things can cause dehydration and have an impact on haemoglobin levels.

My haemoglobin levels were often checked, which allowed me to monitor my development. I stayed in close contact with my doctor, making sure we had regular examinations and blood testing to see how well my lifestyle changes were working. This enabled me to alter my treatment strategy as needed.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Anxiety management at work was an ongoing struggle. I set limits for myself in my career to maintain a good work-life balance. I set priorities for my work, delegated where I could, and was honest about my demands with my coworkers and supervisors. As a result, stress levels dropped and the workplace became friendlier.

I discovered the value of creating a solid support system during my quest. I opened out to dependable friends and family members who offered support, compassion, and a listening ear. Their unfailing encouragement strengthened my fortitude and encouraged me to keep going.

I eventually noticed improvements in my haemoglobin levels and anxiety levels. I was able to successfully manage my high haemoglobin levels because to a combination of therapy, self-care techniques, lifestyle changes, and medical advice. As I recovered control over my health, my anxiety levels went down.

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