How Artemis Lu treated high ast sgot?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ast sgot. 

My AST levels were recently unexpectedly found to be excessive, and my name is Artemis Lu. I was surprised by this diagnosis because I had been feeling very well and had shown no prior signs of any serious health problems. I was alarmed by the findings and inspired to take action to lower my AST SGOT levels to a normal range.

It all started when I began to feel occasionally tired and uncomfortable in my abdomen without any apparent cause. My energy levels started to drop, making simple chores more difficult. I made the decision to speak with my primary care physician about these symptoms since I was concerned about them.

I mentioned my exhaustion and discomfort during the appointment, and my doctor prescribed a number of blood tests, including a thorough panel to evaluate my general health. I was shocked to learn that my AST and SGOT levels were excessive.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

Aspartate aminotransferase, also known as AST SGOT, is mostly present in the liver, heart, and muscles. Elevated AST SGOT levels in the blood can be a sign of liver impairment, muscle damage, or other underlying medical issues. I felt conflicted after learning about this—worried about my health and motivated to do something about it.

To help me control and reduce my AST SGOT levels, my doctor suggested that I adjust some aspects of my lifestyle. This includes changing to a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, controlling stress, and avoiding things like alcohol and specific medications that could worsen the effects on liver health. To identify the root reason of the increased levels, the doctor also suggested additional tests.

I took the effort to educate myself about liver health and how I could promote its best function as I awaited the results. I conducted nutritional studies, concentrating on items like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains that support liver function. To increase my general fitness and wellbeing, I also started include regular exercise in my schedule, such as walking, cycling, and yoga.

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My increased AST SGOT values were caused by fatty liver disease, it was discovered when the extra test results were received. Fat builds up in the liver, which is a disorder that is frequently brought on by things like obesity, a bad diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. It served as a reminder to put my health first and make long-lasting adjustments.

My healthcare practitioner recommended a licenced nutritionist who gave me individualised advice in cooperation with them. They assisted me in creating a meal plan that promoted weight management and liver health. I concentrated on including more whole meals, cutting back on processed foods and bad fats, and making sure I was getting a variety of nutrients.

I made nutritional changes as well as using stress-reduction strategies to enhance my overall wellbeing. I looked into techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and doing things that made me happy and relaxed. As stress could affect my liver function and general health, managing it was crucial.

anti inflammatory diet plan

My family's assistance throughout this journey was crucial. They supported me in making lifestyle changes, showed empathy, and gave me encouragement. We worked as a team to prepare wholesome meals, engage in family physical activity, and foster a positive atmosphere at home. They kept me motivated and responsible by providing unwavering support.

With perseverance and devotion, I was able to witness improvements in my health over time. My AST and SGOT levels gradually dropped, according to subsequent blood tests. My healthy lifestyle and adherence to the advice of my healthcare staff were further spurred by this progress.

In conclusion, I had to drastically alter my lifestyle after receiving a diagnosis of increased AST SGOT levels. I gradually noticed changes in my health thanks to adopting a healthy diet, consistent exercise, stress management, and my family's encouragement. This experience showed me the value of being proactive in caring for my well-being and the effectiveness of a strong support system in conquering health issues. I'm determined to keep up these good habits, put my health first, and adopt a balanced lifestyle in the future.

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