How Julian Ventura treated high ast sgot?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ast sgot. 

My name is Julian Ventura, and I firmly believe in the value of routine medical examinations. I make it a point to have a thorough blood test every year to make sure I'm healthy generally. However, when the results came back this year, I learned unexpectedly that my AST (SGOT) levels were elevated and measured at 63 units per litre (U/L). This information raised serious concerns because it might have something to do with my liver's health.

I made the decision to act right away and take back control of my health rather than giving in to dread and anxiety. In order to develop a successful management strategy and better understand the underlying causes of my elevated AST (SGOT) levels, I immediately made an appointment with my doctor.

My doctor told me during our visit that high AST (SGOT) levels could be a sign of a number of things, including liver disease, alcohol use, prescription side effects, or strenuous activity. My doctor suggested more testing, such as a liver function panel and an ultrasound scan, to identify the precise problem.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I actively managed my elevated AST (SGOT) levels while awaiting the test results. My food was one of the main things I paid attention to. I started eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet with a focus on whole grains, lean proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables. In an effort to promote the health of my liver, I simultaneously cut back on my intake of processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats.

My programme has always included regular exercise, which I've modified to help me better control my AST (SGOT) levels. I mixed flexibility-enhancing exercises like yoga and Pilates in with strength training and moderately intense aerobic workouts. I was careful to pay attention to any signals of exhaustion or discomfort and to listen to my body, avoiding overexertion.

The ability to handle my stress significantly impacted my path. I practised relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, meditation, and participating in enjoyable activities. I wanted to increase my AST (SGOT) levels and overall liver health by reducing my stress levels.

Contact a doctor

My doctor informed me that the elevated AST (SGOT) levels were most likely caused by a medicine I had been taking for a recent illness once the test results were finally received. We talked about changing the dosage or looking at different kinds of treatments. After much deliberation, we decided on a modified course of treatment that would have the least negative effects on my liver and help to bring my AST (SGOT) levels back to normal.

I faithfully followed the treatment plan throughout the ensuing months, took the prescription meds as instructed, and kept up my lifestyle changes. To keep track of my development and make any required modifications to my treatment, regular checkups were planned.

My efforts eventually started to pay off in a positive way. My AST (SGOT) levels gradually decreased as a result of further blood tests, which gave me relief and confirmation that the actions I had taken were having an impact.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Along the way, I ran into obstacles and was frustrated occasionally. But my loved ones' unfailing encouragement was crucial in helping me stay inspired. Their support and compassion enabled me to keep a positive outlook while I battled to control my AST (SGOT) levels.

I'm happy to report that my AST (SGOT) levels are once again in the normal range today. I've learned from this experience how important it is to take charge of your health, actively pay attention to your body, and seek medical help when necessary. It has emphasised the significance of lifestyle changes for maintaining general wellbeing, such as a nutritious diet, consistent exercise, and stress management.

As I consider my experience, I want to inspire others to put their health first and accept routine checkups as a method of early diagnosis and prevention. We can support and encourage one another to take control of our health and live fulfilled lives by sharing our personal tales and experiences.

Keep in mind that every person's path is distinct, thus it is crucial to speak with healthcare experts to establish a personalised strategy. Together, let's equip ourselves and others with the knowledge and attitude necessary to prioritise our health and move towards a healthy future.

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