How Zuri Collins treated high ast sgot?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ast sgot. 

My name is Zuri Collins, and I just learned that my AST and SGOT levels are high. Given that I recently got married and am starting a new, exciting chapter in my life, it came as quite a surprise to me. I now feel scared and unsure about my future and how this unexpected diagnosis may affect my health.

My husband and I were settling into our new life together after our honeymoon, full of happiness and hope for the future. But in the midst of the joy, I began to feel some odd symptoms. I experienced more frequent feelings of exhaustion, irregular bouts of stomach pain, and a drop in general vitality.

I made the decision to go to my primary care physician since I was worried about these symptoms. After explaining my symptoms and having a full blood panel performed, the results revealed high AST SGOT levels. This news surprised me because I had never before experienced serious health problems. The diagnosis caused me to feel unsettled and worried about both my own health and the potential effects it would have on my marriage and our future plans.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

Aspartate aminotransferase, also known as AST SGOT, is largely present in the liver, heart, and muscles, according to my doctor. Increased AST and SGOT levels in the blood can signify liver disease or other medical issues. To choose the best line of action, it was crucial to understand the underlying reason for my increased levels.

To determine the cause's primary factors, additional research was required. I also had more testing done, such an ultrasound and other liver function checks. I was filled with anxiety and dread as I awaited the findings. I was afraid of developing a significant liver issue and the effects it may have on my life and the goals my husband and I had set for ourselves.

Days proceeded into what seemed like an age before my doctor's office called to discuss the outcomes. I was relieved to learn from the ultrasound that my liver and other important organs were fine. The increased AST SGOT values were likely caused by a disorder termed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which was discovered to exist in me.

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NAFLD is a disorder marked by the buildup of extra fat in the liver and is frequently linked to a poor diet, an inactive lifestyle, and obesity. I was surprised by the diagnosis because I thought of myself as generally healthy and had never experienced weight problems. My doctor indicated that hereditary factors and lifestyle choices could influence the development of NAFLD even in the absence of overt weight issues.

My husband and I made the decision to act proactively to improve my health and manage the disease after learning this new information. A trained dietitian's advice was sought in order to create a customised eating schedule that would support liver health and assist with weight management. While limiting processed meals and added sugars, we concentrated on adding whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.

My daily schedule became completely dependent on regular exercise. My spouse and I began to progressively up our activity levels by going for nighttime walks together. I also rekindled my love for yoga, which not only improved my physical health but also gave me a sense of tranquilly and mental well-being.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I continued regular check-ups with my medical team to monitor my AST SGOT levels in addition to making lifestyle adjustments. We monitored my development through regular follow-up visits and modified the treatment strategy as required. These meetings also gave me a chance to talk about any worries or problems I had encountered along the way.

While dealing with my increased AST, SGOT, and NAFLD has been a difficult and uncertain path, it has also provided a chance for personal growth and a greater appreciation of the value of self-care. I've discovered how important it is to put my health first, choose my food and exercise wisely, and develop a good outlook.

Throughout this ordeal, my husband has been a continual source of encouragement. Together, we have faced the ups and downs, celebrating little successes and turning to one another for support when things are uncertain. As we go through this health issue together, united in our desire to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, our marriage has gotten stronger.

Even though my journey is still ongoing, I've come to understand that being told I have NAFLD and increased AST/SGOT levels was not the conclusion of my story, but rather the start of a new one that emphasises self-care, resiliency, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. I am determined to conquer this challenge and live a bright and fulfilling life with my loving husband with the help of my family and medical team.

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