How Miles Corona treated high ast sgot?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ast sgot. 

Miles Corona here. I recently learned that my AST/SGOT levels are excessive. I never expected it because I've always been generally healthy, but this information has made my already demanding life much more stressful.

I have a hard corporate job where I am continuously stressed out by deadlines and expectations. My emotional and physical health have suffered as a result of the long hours, numerous meetings, and demanding clientele. I've always struggled with anxiety, but finding that my AST and SGOT levels are excessive has made me worry even more.

Aspartate aminotransferase, often known as AST SGOT, is an enzyme found in many organs, including the muscles, liver, and heart. Increased blood levels of AST and SGOT can signify liver damage, which can be brought on by things like excessive alcohol usage, drug side effects, or underlying liver disorders. After learning of my increased levels, I struggled with the worry that I might have an underlying medical condition.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

To learn more about the potential reasons and effects of my increased AST SGOT readings, I first spoke with a doctor. My doctor told me that my liver function was normal and that there was no indication of any underlying liver illness after a thorough examination and a battery of tests. She emphasised that I would need to make certain modifications in order to lower my increased AST SGOT levels and return them to a healthy range.

I've never been much of a drinker, but excessive alcohol usage is one of the main causes of increased AST SGOT levels. However, I made the decision to cut back on alcohol even further and start consuming it in moderation. I also made an effort to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking a lot of water because good hydration is important for liver health.

In addition, my doctor emphasised the significance of a healthy, balanced diet. I started eating fewer processed foods and saturated fats and increasing the amount of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in my meals. In addition to supporting liver health, a balanced diet also reduces general anxiety, a key factor in my problem.

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I started concentrating on stress management approaches in addition to nutritional adjustments. I came to the conclusion that finding techniques to reduce stress was critical because my anxiety was making my physical symptoms worse. In order to be cool and collected among the craziness of my demanding profession, I started practising mindfulness and meditation. Regular physical activity, like yoga or jogging, became a crucial component of my schedule and brought both physical and mental relaxation.

I also worked hard to establish boundaries at work and give self-care priority. I began delegating work wherever I could, and I also learned to refuse when I was feeling overburdened. For my entire wellbeing, striking a healthy work-life balance became essential. I found that taking pauses, spending time with loved ones, and doing things I enjoyed did assist to reduce the ongoing worry I had been feeling.

Although it has been a difficult path, with time my efforts have started to pay off. My AST SGOT readings gradually decreased over the course of several follow-up appointments with the doctor. I was driven to keep leading a healthy lifestyle since I could see the results of my changes in lifestyle.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I discovered the value of self-care and paying attention to my body during this process. I was given a wake-up call by my experience with high AST SGOT levels, which reminded me to put my health first and make long-lasting changes in my life. Although I still experience anxiety occasionally, I now have the skills to better control it and have a healthier, more balanced life.

Even while my battle with high AST SGOT levels was difficult, it finally inspired me to make healthier choices and put my wellbeing first. I hope that my experience can serve as a reminder to others facing comparable difficulties that it is possible to overcome health setbacks and find a route towards a more rewarding and healthier life with perseverance and lifestyle changes.

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