How Watson Maxwell treated high ast sgot?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ast sgot. 

My name is Watson Maxwell, and I recently dealt with high AST (SGOT) levels, which was hard. Permit me to share with you my personal story in the hopes that it would motivate and uplift those who might be going through comparable difficulties.

When I made the decision to shift careers, the tale started. I thought that starting over would improve my life because I had spent a long time working in a stressful atmosphere. I had a thorough blood test as part of the pre-employment process for my new work. I had no idea that this normal test would turn up a surprise health issue.

I was shocked to learn that my AST (SGOT) level was abnormally high, measuring at 150 units per litre (U/L), which is much higher than the range that is considered normal. I sought to understand what may have caused this spike as I panicked upon hearing the news. This realisation surprised me because I had always placed a high priority on staying healthy by eating a balanced diet and exercising frequently.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I started doing a lot of research because I wanted to know what was causing my increased AST (SGOT) levels. I learned that a number of things, including strenuous exercise, specific drugs, or even transient viral infections, could cause increased AST (SGOT) levels. This fresh information made me more worried. Even though I had not yet shown any signs of liver disease or damage, I made the decision to act right away in order to restore control over my health.

I made an appointment with a hepatologist to explain my case in order to get competent advice. I was reassured by the hepatologist that there are a number of potential causes for elevated AST (SGOT) values, and he suggested more tests to determine the precise cause.

I had to contend with a storm of feelings as I awaited the test results. I was overcome with anxiety as doubt and worry distorted my judgement. But I wasn't going to let these feelings stop me. Instead, I took a proactive stance and assumed responsibility for my wellbeing.

Contact a doctor

First and foremost, I understood how crucial it was to lower my level of stress. I was aware that my prior employment had negatively impacted both my physical and emotional health, so I concentrated on finding healthy coping strategies. I developed daily mindfulness and meditation routines that helped me control my stress and develop a good outlook.

I also reviewed my eating practises. I adopted a liver-friendly diet after seeing a nutritionist, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. I made a point of cutting back on processed meals, alcohol, and caffeine while upping my consumption of foods high in antioxidants like berries and leafy greens.

My programme had always included exercise, but I changed it to incorporate activities that were especially beneficial to liver health. Exercises with little impact, including yoga, swimming, and brisk walking, helped me stay fit while lowering my stress levels.

anti inflammatory diet plan

Along with these lifestyle adjustments, I also turned to my loved ones for comfort. Some of the emotional weight I was carrying was lifted as I told them about my adventure. Their constant support served as a catalyst, inspiring me to maintain my commitment to changing my life for the better.

Finally, after completing a number of additional tests, I learned that the cause of my increased AST (SGOT) levels was a transient viral infection. This event acted as a wake-up call, even though I was glad to learn that I didn't have an underlying liver problem. It made me see how crucial it is to put my health first all the time, not just when I'm ill.

In order to comfort and inspire those dealing with comparable health issues, I relate my personal story. Remind yourself that you are not alone if you find yourself in a similar circumstance. Make contact with medical specialists, enlist the aid of your loved ones, and take initiative to enhance your health.

The journey of each person is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Keep your resolve, be kind to yourself, and pay attention to your body. High AST (SGOT) levels can be controlled and returned to normal with the appropriate method and assistance.

I invite you to discuss your own problems and accomplishments related to having high AST (SGOT) levels. By exchanging our stories, we can build a supportive network and provide people the tools they need to take control of their health. We can overcome challenges and enjoy healthier, happier lives by working together.

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