How Marianna King treated high ast sgot?

 Note - This article is written by one of our patients about their experiences with high ast sgot. 

My name is Marianna King, and I just returned from a much-needed getaway to get away from the pressures of daily life. I had no idea that this vacation would take an unforeseen turn and reveal a health issue that needed my immediate treatment. I was enjoying my time away when I started to get strange symptoms that made me feel apprehensive. I made the decision to go for a checkup at a nearby medical facility because I was worried about my health.

In order to identify the source of my problems, the doctor advised doing a number of tests, including a blood test, during the examination. I was shocked to see that the high AST (SGOT) values were 55 units per litre (U/L). I was shocked to learn this because I had always taken good care of my health and had never before experienced this.

I quickly sought advice from the medical experts I had access to while on vacation since I was determined to tackle the problem head-on. They clarified that increased AST (SGOT) levels may be a sign of a number of underlying conditions, including liver disease, excessive alcohol intake, the use of certain drugs, or vigorous exercise. To create a management strategy that worked, it was essential to comprehend the potential causes.

 Note - More stories from other patients at the end of this page 

I actively managed and improved my elevated AST (SGOT) levels while awaiting additional tests to identify the precise cause. My nutrition was one of the first things I paid attention to. I made a conscious effort to change my dietary habits, placing an emphasis on lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. I cut back on my consumption of processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats after realising the potential harm they could do to my liver.

I made dietary adjustments as well as frequent exercise part of my routine. My overall health and liver function were supported by a combination of aerobic, weight training, and low-impact exercises like walking and swimming. I also learned how crucial it is to control stress because it can lead to high AST (SGOT) levels. In order to do this, I used relaxation techniques including meditation, deep breathing exercises, and partaking in delightful and peaceful activities.

The medical professionals determined the main reason for my increased AST (SGOT) levels as soon as the test results were available. It was discovered that the outcomes had been influenced by the interaction of a recent course of medication and vigorous physical activity while on vacation. With this information, the medical experts created a personalised treatment plan to target the underlying issues and assist in getting my AST (SGOT) levels back to normal.

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They advised me to reduce the medication's negative impact on my liver function, so I changed the dosage. To achieve a balance between leading an active lifestyle and minimising undue strain on my body, I also changed my exercise regimen. I was able to track my development and modify the treatment plan as needed thanks to regular check-ups and meetings with the doctors.

I worked hard and kept at it, and eventually saw progress in my efforts. My AST (SGOT) levels gradually decreased as a result of follow-up blood tests, proving that the treatment plan and lifestyle changes were successful in managing the problem. I was further inspired to continue putting my health and wellbeing first by these great developments.

Even if the voyage had its share of difficulties, my accomplishment was greatly aided by my loved ones' encouragement. Their compassion, support, and constant presence gave me the power to stay inspired and keep a positive view all throughout the process.

anti inflammatory diet plan

I'm happy to report that my AST (SGOT) levels have now reverted to the usual range. I've learned from this experience how crucial it is to take charge of my health no matter what. The need of leading a healthy lifestyle, controlling stress, and getting medical help when necessary, even while on vacation, has been emphasised.

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